Research topics

Discover the many different research fields of Fraunhofer CCIT

Fraunhofer CCIT combines the expertise of various Fraunhofer institutes for the research and development of application-oriented technology solutions for a wide range of industries and topics.

Here, you will find information on solutions, research projects and core research topics structured according to subject.


Industry & Business | Logistics & Mobility

Edge Cloud Continuum for Production

ECC4P can be used to monitor, control, document and automate production processes such as machining (milling, drilling), generating grinding and forming – from collecting sensitive process data at the local edge device to AI training in the cloud, to smart adjustments to on-site processes.


Industry & Business | Logistics & Mobility | Medicine & Chemistry | Energy

Quantum Machine Learning

Machine learning methods can be adapted for quantum computers to speed up tasks such as simulation and solving optimization issues. A study by Fraunhofer CCIT and Fraunhofer Big Data AI Alliance sheds light on the use of quantum computing to accelerate machine learning.



Industry & Business | Logistics & Mobility

Magnetic field-based quality control

The system for automated inline quality control in the production process uses the magnetic “fingerprint” of conductive objects to detect production errors with the help of AI. This allows for efficient and cost-effective quality control during operation.


Industry & Business | Logistics & Mobility | Energy

Smart Sensor

The AIQ-Bo smart sensor measures vibrations in mechanical components and analyzes them on-site using AI. This makes it possible to identify anomalies autonomously and transmit this information to the cloud.


Industry & Business | Logistics & Mobility | Energy

Smart Screw Connections

Critical threaded fasteners protect all our lives and must be inspected regularly. Intelligent threaded fasteners enable wireless and energy-independent monitoring of the fastener as a simple and universal assembly option.


Industry & Business

Automated quality check on reflecting objects

Traditional measurement methods have their limitations when it comes to checking the quality of reflective objects in production. Alternatives such as manual visual inspections or technically complex inspection systems have a number of disadvantages: While the former are time-consuming and subjective, the latter are costly and offer little flexibility.


Industry & Business

Active tools in machining

The SmartTool.connect technology enables the optimization of machining processes with the help of an active and intelligent tool holder. The integration of wireless components makes it possible to collect process data close to the point of action, transmit it in real time and evaluate it.


Industry & Business

AI-supported, intrinsic component identification

Based on information from the inside of a component, unique features can be extracted and then used to identify components, even if they are deformed or covered with paint or other materials. This method is the foundation for knowledge-based process decisions in manufacturing that help optimize quality, productivity and costs.


Industry & Business

AI in predictive maintenance

Predictive maintenance plays a key role in today’s industry. Interpretive AI models can use acoustic emissions to predict tool wear in machining operations. This increases both the robustness of the production process and the availability of the machines, while maintaining the same high level of production quality.


Industry & Business | Construction & Infrastructure

Better tool handling with AI

The intelligent sensor module of a retrofit solution for handheld tools measures parameters during work, which are analyzed with the help of AI to assist workers and ensure quality. The AI algorithms not only recognize actions (e.g., tightening or loosening of screws), but also evaluate the location and sequence of the work steps.


Industry & Business

Multimodal dialog assistant

In industry, new forms of interaction with technical devices and user interfaces through gestures and speech have a great potential for making processes more efficient and intuitive. Fraunhofer CCIT combines speech recognition and gesture control in a multimodal speech assistant that can be used for defect identification and marking.


Industry & Business

Voice and gesture control

Dialog assistants are making it possible to interact intuitively with technology in more and more areas of our lives. Based on “Informed Machine Learning,” Fraunhofer CCIT is developing technologies for voice-controlled dialog systems, focusing on domain-specific knowledge for use in business and industry.


Industry & Business | Medicine & Chemistry

Predictive control of catalysts

The chemical and mechanical engineering industries need Industry 4.0 technologies to increase efficiency and optimize processes. Catalysts in particular require predictive control to minimize failures and downtimes.


Industry & Business | Energy

Efficient battery aging simulations

Machine learning techniques are used to control the solution method for linear equation systems to speed up computer simulations of battery ageing. This significantly improves the accuracy of the model in the field by using efficient and robust solution methods.


Industry & Business | Construction & Infrastructure

Innovative construction materials

Developing innovative construction materials is key for a sustainable circular economy and climate neutrality. Fraunhofer CCIT is working on new data-driven virtual material designs to support and accelerate this development.


Industry & Business | Logistics & Mobility

Interactive, self-learning robot

The sorting robot offers a simple interactive game for young and old that introduces new and sometimes complex AI technologies for handling tasks. The demonstrator can be controlled using natural language and is mobile for flexible use.


Industry & Business

Sovereign data exchange

The “International Data Spaces” initiative is working on a key technology for the cognitive industrial internet: a secure data space allowing companies in various industries and of different sizes to retain sovereignty over their data. Fraunhofer CCIT is developing the “International Data Space Connector” “by Design” for industrial application.


Industry & Business

International Data Spaces

More and more innovations happen thanks to an exchange of data across companies. By making their data available, creators and owners run the risk of losing control and the strategic value of their resources. International Data Spaces enable users to share data while retaining data sovereignty.


Industry & Business | Logistics & Mobility

Edge Cloud Continuum for Production

ECC4P can be used to monitor, control, document and automate production processes such as machining (milling, drilling), generating grinding and forming – from collecting sensitive process data at the local edge device to AI training in the cloud, to smart adjustments to on-site processes.


Industry & Business | Logistics & Mobility | Medicine & Chemistry | Energy

Quantum Machine Learning

Machine learning methods can be adapted for quantum computers to speed up tasks such as simulation and solving optimization issues. A study by Fraunhofer CCIT and Fraunhofer Big Data AI Alliance sheds light on the use of quantum computing to accelerate machine learning.



Industry & Business | Logistics & Mobility

Magnetic field-based quality control

The system for automated inline quality control in the production process uses the magnetic “fingerprint” of conductive objects to detect production errors with the help of AI. This allows for efficient and cost-effective quality control during operation.


Industry & Business | Logistics & Mobility| Energy

Smart Sensor

The AIQ-Bo smart sensor measures vibrations in mechanical components and analyzes them on-site using AI. This makes it possible to identify anomalies autonomously and transmit this information to the cloud.


Logistics & Mobility

Intelligent Traffic Sensing

Intelligent traffic sensing and vehicle communication for autonomous driving require dynamic traffic information in real time. Fraunhofer CCIT is exploring the potential of the 5G mobile radio standard in collective and scalable traffic sensing using a Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) network.


Logistics & Mobility

Smart Intersection

Inner-city intersections are accident black spots. The situation will become even more complicated once autonomous vehicles are added in the future. Fraunhofer CCIT is developing key technologies for an intelligent intersection that regulates traffic digitally.


Logistics & Mobility

Smart traffic analysis for connected mobility

An AI-based mobile sensor unit records and analyzes traffic data to make predictions of car, truck, cyclist and pedestrian flows, and to assist autonomous vehicles and driver assistance systems in real time.


Industry & Business | Logistics & Mobility | Energy

Smart Screw Connections

Critical threaded fasteners protect all our lives and must be inspected regularly. Intelligent threaded fasteners enable wireless and energy-independent monitoring of the fastener as a simple and universal assembly option.


Logistics & Mobility

Minimizing risks in regional rail transport

AI-based forms of safety assessments in regional rail transport can improve the safety of processes. Automatic object detection helps to detect hazardous situations, identify critical states and assist those responsible in their decision-making process.


Industry & Business | Logistics & Mobility

Interactive, self-learning robot

The sorting robot offers a simple interactive game for young and old that introduces new and sometimes complex AI technologies for handling tasks. The demonstrator can be controlled using natural language and is mobile for flexible use.


Industry & Business | Logistics & Mobility | Medicine & Chemistry | Energy

Quantum Machine Learning

Machine learning methods can be adapted for quantum computers to speed up tasks such as simulation and solving optimization issues. A study by Fraunhofer CCIT and Fraunhofer Big Data AI Alliance sheds light on the use of quantum computing to accelerate machine learning.



Medicine & Chemistry

Using AI to stop the biological clock

A new testing method can determine a person’s biological age at home. It uses AI to analyze large amounts of data to study the protein targets that change during aging and to identify molecules that can halt or even reverse this process.


Medicine & Chemistry

Predicting side effects of pharmaceuticals

Over 90% of all clinical studies in drug development fail due to a lack of efficacy and harmful side effects. Modern AI-based approaches are being developed that can predict potentially harmful side effects in the preclinical phase to minimize costs for pharmaceutical companies and negative effects for patients.


Industry & Business | Medicine & Chemistry

Predictive control of catalysts

The chemical and mechanical engineering industries need Industry 4.0 technologies to increase efficiency and optimize processes. Catalysts in particular require predictive control to minimize failures and downtimes.


Public administration

Speech assistance for citizen services

The language-enabled standalone solution simplifies interactions with public authorities by enabling fully speech-based completion and submission of applications, for example. The combination of intelligent speech recognition and semantic processing saves time, reduces complexity and increases accessibility.


Public administration | Construction & Infrastructure

Noise protection measures in public spaces

Established noise assessment methods are based on the evaluation of standard sound sources, which bear little relation to real and subjectively perceived noise. A web application developed by Fraunhofer CCIT provides a realistic simulation of noise situations with and without noise reduction measures in urban areas.


Industry & Business | Construction & Infrastructure

Innovative construction materials

Developing innovative construction materials is key for a sustainable circular economy and climate neutrality. Fraunhofer CCIT is working on new data-driven virtual material designs to support and accelerate this development.


Industry & Business | Construction & Infrastructure

Better tool handling with AI

The intelligent sensor module of a retrofit solution for handheld tools measures parameters during work, which are analyzed with the help of AI to assist workers and ensure quality. The AI algorithms not only recognize actions (e.g., tightening or loosening of screws), but also evaluate the location and sequence of the work steps.


Public administration | Construction & Infrastructure

Noise protection measures in public spaces

Established noise assessment methods are based on the evaluation of standard sound sources, which bear little relation to real and subjectively perceived noise. A web application developed by Fraunhofer CCIT provides a realistic simulation of noise situations with and without noise reduction measures in urban areas.


Industry & Business | Logistics & Mobility | Medicine & Chemistry | Energy

Quantum Machine Learning

Machine learning methods can be adapted for quantum computers to speed up tasks such as simulation and solving optimization issues. A study by Fraunhofer CCIT and Fraunhofer Big Data AI Alliance sheds light on the use of quantum computing to accelerate machine learning.



Industry & Business | Energy

Efficient battery aging simulations

Machine learning techniques are used to control the solution method for linear equation systems to speed up computer simulations of battery ageing. This significantly improves the accuracy of the model in the field by using efficient and robust solution methods.


Industrie & Wirtschaft | Logistik & Mobilität | Energie

Smart Sensor

The AIQ-Bo smart sensor measures vibrations in mechanical components and analyzes them on-site using AI. This makes it possible to identify anomalies autonomously and transmit this information to the cloud.


Industry & Business | Logistics & Mobility | Energy

Smart Screw Connections

Critical threaded fasteners protect all our lives and must be inspected regularly. Intelligent threaded fasteners enable wireless and energy-independent monitoring of the fastener as a simple and universal assembly option.

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